Topic 1 The Importance of CSR

  • Nowadays, start-ups need to do more things than just generate profits. Indeed, in order to be profitable, companies have to deal with hundreds of responsibilities like:

Programmes for employees, offering a safe and secure working environment, sustainable and eco-friendly methods or engagement in social causes among many others.

  • Business means power and capacity. Business engage with CSR to help the society and the community where they do business to solve the problems existing there. If we do not adopt a proactive position towards the problems, problems will not disappear.
  • Public trust on business is decreasing progressively. At present, job opportunities and economy contribution it is not enough for the public as they are more aware of climate change, social injustice and unfair conditions.

Pressure is higher as clients and public expect companies to be part of CSR community and to be transparent and eco-friendly.


CSR, respectively sustainability, should be appreciated as both a necessary and an opportunity. 

Ideally it should be fully embedded into the company‘s purpose, goals and operational activities – as this lays the ground to:

  • having a true sustainability strategy (including environmental, social and economic aspects)
  • find a payoff from sustainability
  • build a solid business case

As start-ups are in the process of building their business model, they have a big advantage in this context compared to mature companies that have to take the time and risk of a big change.

There are a number of factors contributing to companies adopting a CSR policy:

  • Economic drivers (e.g. competitive advantage, socially responsible investment, pressure from stakeholders, company image and reputation)
  • Social drivers (e.g. consumption trends, pressure from NGOs, communities, trade unions)
  • Political drivers (e.g. legal and regulatory frameworks and political promotion and pressure at local, regional or national level)
  • Individual drivers (e.g. ethical orientation and personal values of top management, employees)
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